Thursday, October 11, 2007

You know you're Kashmiri when ...

you call a bank 'bunk' and a bunker 'banker'

for you ootre could mean eons ago

you know only 3 types of people - musalmaan (meaning kashmiri), angrez (tourists) and punjaeb (everybody else)

you will prepare 20 different dishes for your guest and then say 'asi chhune kiheen ronmut'

your guest will not help himself with the food

you will force a guest to eat till he cannot breathe

and then you will say 'tohi logwe ne athe kuni'

masjids are full a day before Eid-ul-fitr and empty a day after

thaph (grab) for you means getting engaged

you tie 'dashi' at tombs and graves inspite of being a muslim

you wear 'taweez' that look like suicide capsules

you call for hartaal over cartoons published at a place you cannot even pronounce

you burn down your own schools during protest against Indian occupation

you get married by caste and not by characteristics

one day you are a mujahid, second day a militant, third day a renegade and fourth day running for election

Note:- I posted this recently on the group 'You know you're Kashmiri when' on facebook and i am reproducing it here.

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