Friday, September 21, 2007

Who says Pundits left Kasheer?

In one of my off late khazer-sochta-hai-wular-ke-kinare or the musings-of-aristotle moments, i was thinking of the big deal that everybody has made out of the fact that the pundits have left or were forced out of kasheer. This is so not true. The kashmiris still worship their bootte-mein-tarashan-zi-sange-mazare lord, you will still find people lining outside the tombs and graveyards. You will still find aastaans more crowded than mosques. They still sing hymns in the early mornings, only at a different rendezvous. The caste system is still as water tight as it used to be - there still are so called upper caste brahmins that have taken our religion hostage, marriages are still performed by matching horoscopes minus the stars. A new born is still greeted with charms and talismans that sometimes look like the suicide capsules worn by LTTE in Sri Lanka. Every other person, male or female, wears a talisman or a charm. Birth of a girl is still frowned upon and usually an occasion of distress. We still wail and whine on a death and even observe the chooryium (fourth) and the chatjehum (fourtieth). We have more holidays and auspicious occasions than probably any other place on the face of the earth. Some animals are still considered pheshal (bring misfortune) and yet others phrooch (lucky).

Kashmir is still so full of pundits, i fail to understand who fled.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well said.pundits never left kashmir.they still stand tall and handsome.